Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Newbery Challenge

I found a challenge on one of the many book websites that I visit - it was to read 6 (I think) Newbery books. So after perusing the list here are the 6 I am going to tackle in the next 2 months:

The Higher Power of Lucky (2007)

A Single Shard (2002)

Amos Fortune, Free Man (1951) - can't wait to see how this stands the test of time

Invisible Louisa (1934)

Kira-Kira (2005)

Criss Cross (2006)

I can't guarantee what order I'll read them in, but I'll start one tonight!

1 comment:

Deanna McFadden said...

I see you've caught the blogging bug! And you're already doing a challenge...that's simply impressive.