Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hall & Oates and The Guy in the Blue Pantsuit

Last night Leanne's dreams came true: we saw Hall & Oates in concert at Casino Rama. They were fantastic performers - Daryl Hall still has a great voice, although he modifies songs to avoid some of the falsetto notes that an aging voice might find troublesome. John Oates (sans mustache) does all the harmonizing, barking, ooh-yeahs as always. There was a saxophonist with long hair and a royal blue pantsuit that had more solos than I ever dreamed possible and a guitarist who did lots of that intense playing of guitar high notes that people other than me find impressive. 
Leanne & I found ourselves in people-watching heaven. Oh the mom jeans, dad jeans, velour pants, leopard prints, matchy-matchy couples, fishnets with cut-offs, rats tails and lots of age inappropriate outfits. 

My favourite was an woman who might have been in her 60s who had a orangey-brown tight perm with a bow right in the middle of it like Nancy, Sluggo's friend. She was wearing a cardigan with cats & mice, lots of glittery stuff and had white stirrup-type leggings on with high heels. Her purse looked somewhat like Duran Duran's Rio album cover. She approached me and asked if I had an extra concert ticket to sell. Clearly my city clothes marked me as a "scalper". Fun!

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